Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bead This items for sale to assist Jenny to fund her Community Projects

 Lilly Sella is 64 years young and joyfully made this combination of colour and pearl beaded string. (hush, hush, beadwork is one of her passions) Jenny have changed it to a necklace without hesitation for her. Thanks Jen, you are an absolute gem!

 Matron Coomans is one of our most valued staff members. It is easy to see her handy work is as earthy as her personality.
Upon visiting us, you will find her wearing her artwork. Matron, you are tops
 Anton Bosch has muscular distrophy and it was particularly pleasing to see what he created. If you want Anton to create anything special for you, feel free to contact us.
 Oupa Tienie Matthyser is 98 years of age. Tienke had to assist him step by step as the old eyes just wont see the finer detail any more.  Mr.Matthyser used to work with diamonds and this workshop particularly brought back wonderful memories for him.
 Andries Koekemoer surprized us all. He never finished along with the others but we would not want to exclude him from our hall of fame. He made the yellow string of beads with red and white intervals
 It is clear to see who the expert is. Thanks Jenny, we love your dedication.
This logo represents our community arts and crafts projects items.
Your contribution will make a difference


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