Thursday, May 12, 2011

Easter Cards crafts workshop with Jenny Hugill

The first Picture:
A big thank you to Jenny from Seronda Valley who took time out of her busy schedule. Here she is to the right of the table with Mary Binet, a retired occupational therapist.
To the left front Andries Koekemoer is giving his task his full attention.
Anton Bosch is contemplating his options and Matron Coomans is inspecting, together with Oupa Tienie Matthyser, his handy work.
Ouma Nellie de Lange is duly served in the back ground whilst Lilly looks on.

Second Picture:
 All completed, Andries Koekemoer congratulates Lilly Sella for her wonderful contribution to the task. A special ray of light
springing up unexpected.
All the cards have been given to family members in lue of the Easter celebrations.

Ouma Meisie Pretorius is minding her own business in the background.

Third Picture:
From the back left is Jenny Hugill, Lilly Sella, Oupa Piet Niemand.
Left front sits Anton Bosch, Andries Koekemoer and Daniel Carvalho.

A job well done. Thanks to all our elderly.

Jenny is a Registered Professional Nurse. She is a First Aid and CPR instructor and holds the title of Health Representative for wards 17 & 19.
Feel free to contact her on 072 675 3794 if you want to join her community craft workshop or are in need of First Aid training.


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